Just 10 minutes a day … 

You can spare that, right? Reading the Bible for just 10 minutes a day can change the rest of your days. It will bring you hope, encouragement, guidance, and practical advice on the every day issues you’re facing. The Bible is relevant to everyone, everywhere, at any time.

You can’t have a close relationship with someone you never talk to. It’s impossible. God’s word—the Bible—is the primary way He speaks to us. And it’s the absolute best way to discover how to follow Jesus on a daily basis. If you want to know more about God and His promises, reading the Bible is your next step.


Where do I start? 

The Bible can seem pretty intimidating if you’ve never read it—lots of “thee’s” and “thou’s.” We want to make it easy for you to get started and build a habit of spending time with God by reading His word every day with a simple plan we call SOAP.


What is SOAP? 

SOAP stands for Scripture, Observation, Application, and Prayer.  SOAP is a method that helps us grow in God’s Word by reflecting on our thoughts and ideas when reading the Bible.  We use the SOAP reading schedule to help us in our journey of spiritual growth.

  • Scripture: Read the Bible. God’s Word is not meant just to inform you but to transform you.

  • Observation: Reflect on what you read. As you read the Bible, what verse(s) or section spoke to you?

  • Application: Change or Do Something. Hearing and doing God’s Word leads us to the “best life.”

  • Prayer: Ask God for help. Close your reading time with prayer asking God to guide you to follow His Word.